but here it is, at (very) long last. The Isager sugar jacket. Knit exactly as instructed in the book, except for starting the sleeve increases an inch sooner:

There is a ton of knitting in it, but it should be — except for overly busy people such as the person at the keyboard — a fairly quick project. The short-row shaping at the shoulders and in the collar is very smart, as is the way the increases are worked in the sleeve. A word of caution to the large-boned: apparently Danish women are toothpicks. Just sayin'. Anyway, the object is over at the shop, if you're curious.
I'm glad that I made that sweater and I'm glad it's finished — it feels like a logjam has broken. Or at least a log has been removed. It isn't like there aren't any other UFOs on the shelf. Just to be sure, however, I took this from the stash pile:
and moved it the UFO pile. It's Theresa Gaffey's Seaweed Stole, made with Louet's Kidlin lace weight. As with many things, it isn't difficult, the key is to *pay attention and count.* Repeat between *.
Some thoughtful soul (Laurie, was that you?) left this book on my chair at work the other day. There are several projects that I really like, and am nursing a small crush on the scarf by Jared Flood, who also did the photography for the book. At last, I have the perfect reason to get a little something from Beaverslide Dry Goods. I've been wanting to try their yarn for ages.
Yes, really. Don't give me that look.
1 comment:
Love your doggie's "look" - just the way a certain husband does when I tell him it's time for some more yarn . .
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