This is sooo not 'me,' how did it come off my needles? It's the
Ekeby vest, a pattern by Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton in her first book for Noro (I believe it's out of print). I sometimes call it the Ick-eby vest, but here it is, finished. In my closet. There's something I just like about it. Go figure. I took care of a small craving as well, and made it with Lopi. It's a lovely peacock blue-green.
As long as I'm (sort of) confessing to things, I will now bring up my mild case of Noro scarf fever. Instead of whipping up long ones like the
Mason Dixon women and
Yarn Harlot, mine are each made of two skeins. They're much more in my comfort zone, wouldn't you agree?

This one has been kidnapped by Mr. D. I had to hide it from him so I could take the pictures. The fine print: One skein of Silk Garden, color 267, and one skein of Kureyon, color 185. I love these colors!

I'd planned this next one for me, but I want it to be longer, so gee. Guess I'll have to make another. More fine print: One skein of Silk Garden, color 267, and one skein of Silk Garden, color 217. The screaming aqua on the ends is a little much, but the colors in the middle are my-o-my. I may find an adoptive home for this one.

Even now, a couple of weeks after they've been finished, I still like to pick them up and admire the colors. (Now is not the time to bring up the fact that I don't get out enough). If you're a little drunk or merely really bored, race the scroll bar up and down and watch the colors change. OK, don't.
Did I mention that I'm infatuated with the colors?
So. next question. Are either of these projects (the scarves count as one) worth posting on Ravelry?