Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No, not that 'F' word

Tonight was a grinder at work, for sure. The worst night in a couple of weeks. So, while the leading 'F' word might apply, I'm thinking of the change in the breeze and the recent days of cooler, but sunny weather. It seems like summer has only just gotten up a head of steam, but the days are definitely shorter, already. Back-to-school supplies and pre-season X-country workouts have arrived, already. The regionals are only a few weekends away, already.

This 'F'-like weather is my favorite kind, however, so what better way to soak it in and try to unwind after the aforementioned Very Horrible Terrible Evening than to do a little gardening by the glow of the porch and garage lights? The hostas were long overdue for a haircut. Before:

After (including a bit of weeding for good measure):

I'd say that is an acceptable job, for 1:30 in the morning. I have no idea why that odd pattern is on the car. It's spotless, honest!

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