I was only a few minutes late for the concert tonight. I missed the first of their five pieces, but I tell you what. You haven't lived until you've folded yourself onto a creaky bleacher and listened as three oboes, Laurel's among them, a handful of other woodwinds, four trombones and three enthusiastic percussionists play "Chopsticks" and "We Will Rock You." God bless the teachers.
I also got to listen in on the girls' piano lessons this evening, which is when I was able to pull out the knitting — that second, interminable sleeve of the seed-stitch sweater. It was only after everyone went to bed that I was able to reach for these:

The vinterblomster mittens, which are insanely popular on Ravelry — the last time I checked, that pattern had been "faved" 405 times! My pair are out of some Finullgarn in my stash. If you log on to Ravelry, check out the color combinations — some are pretty fun.
Before the rain moved in this afternoon, I was at the barn, without a jacket! I think that even Beau, Mr. Bored himself, had a good time. It was our first outdoor ride of the season. After everyone was done, we brought Mama and Baby Taliskar in from the back pasture. Three days old and he's a business:

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