And, she's a horse person, for sure, married to a non-horse person, for sure. No matter: He got dragged along to the expo — like a true horse husband, someone had to carry the wallet. She had shopping to do! A new saddle, ca-ching.
We couldn't let her go home without marking the occasion. She wanted us to meet for lunch, so we started off tastefully enough one afternoon at Origami for sushi, saki and silliness:

A few days later, on the day before her plane left for home, we had a party at the barn. Happily, it was one of those perfect Minnesota days, so we spent it outside. She rode Niamh, her favorite horse, coming:

... and going:

Then, more fine dining, this time on the Caille Farm veranda:

What better way to digest chips, dip and cheap wine than with a spin on Barb T.'s four-wheeler:

Maybe it was a bit of a hootenanny, but we had a good time -- and I hope she won't forget us.

We'll leave a light on for you, Tomoko. Come on back, you betcha.