Where technology closes one window, surely knitting will open another. (I haven't been watching Sound of Music again, honest!) Introducing my latest Work In Progress: a scarf out of Arctic Lace. The pattern? Skeleton. The yarn? About 300 delicious yards from Wild Geese Fibres that I bought, courtesy of the previously mentioned enabler, JudyA.:
Look! Are those columns of double eyelet? Why yes, I believe they are:
I'm thinking that the yarn will be well-suited for this. I'll let you know, but it'll probably be a while. By the way, there's a hint of blue in the yarn that my daughter's camera didn't capture. In the meantime, there's the Jo Sharp vest -- a k a the stockinette ocean -- to work on. Actually, it's the perfect thing to pick up early in the morning when I get up to see the girls off to school and don't want to wake up so much that I can't go back to sleep again.
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