Clearly the yarn still looks gray, but I swear it's still navy. And, it's been reconfigured into this sweater, which has been done for a month or so, but I, uh, forgot about it. I know. What kind of knitter forgets about a sweater. One who finishes it during the 95-degree, 95-percent humidity days of July, apparently.
No extra charge for the silly model, who was a good sport in agreeing to pose mid-hairstyle! Even she noticed how nice the yarn felt, especially after it had been blocked, when it got even softer and more against-the-skin friendly. The next time I use this pattern, I will make the V deeper than written -- ventilation being an utmost priority these days. ahem ... -- but it fits its recipient flawlessly, which is what counts. Also in the done pile? This:
Is now this! I love it!
Even Mr. Denney noticed ... and asked for his own. Not being a bright-green kind of guy, he quickly added that he'd rather have gray. Or brown. Have I mentioned that he is the King of brown and gray? He will have to wait because I've recently dove into this wee assortment of Rowan yumminess:
We'll see what happens.
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