It was a glorious weekend. Except for the sunny/cloudy, hurricane/calm, cold/colder part. Yes, this was me:
Watching the games and keeping an eye on this:
It was slightly drier, but still cold, at the State Fairgrounds for the Horse Expo. The horses and their riders, I think, were oblivious:
Arty or just blurry? Decide among yourselves. Callum and Meredith in the Colliseum:
This team was one of the featured attractions — the Priefert Percherons. I kept thinking 'horses of the apocalpyse,' but really. These were slack-jaw gorgeous horses. 18.2 hands:
Look at this little cutie-patootie, behind Angie and Sally the prettiest mule ever. That little darlin' and her pal are there every year:
This one is my favorite. No horses, no bats, no gloves. Just my beautiful babies, all dressed up:

Love you.
1 comment:
Hey Ruth! We were at the Horse Expo on Saturday...didn't know your girls expo'd there?! Do you every year?
We are now the proud owners of a Missouri Fox Trotter and this was my twins first expo. (I'm a pro-have gone since I was 18) We had waaay too much fun but could have done without the rain. Maybe we can meet up next year? We had lots of friends show this expo and it was fun to hoot and holler for'd be fun to meet in real life. :) Maybe knit alittle?
Best to you!
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