Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cable Madness

But in a good way! This sweater is fun to knit. A couple evenings after this picture was taken ...

... both sleeves were done. And, as long as I had both sizes of needles out, I cast on for the body. The cable chart looks like a football team's secret line of attack, but after the first repeat, it is easy enough that, with the exception of a couple of very busy rows, reading the sweater is almost all you have to do to know what's coming next. Notice that I said "after the first repeat," which is what I had finished, plus about 15 rows more, when I noticed an errant cable. One of the big ones that couldn't be ignored. My reaction? Suffice to say that my dog left the room.

In the interest of setting a good example -- for just who, I don't know -- I decided to dive down and repair it. What did I have to lose? If it didn't work, I'd have to rip back. If I didn't even try, I'd have to rip back.

Technically, the dive-down-and-repair was working, but it looked, well, saggy and nasty. Anyway, the ripout, repair and recovery have disappeared in the rear view,

as has my secret goal of having it finished to take on vacation in a couple of weeks. Yeah, yeah, I know. It wasn't realistic, but man, I wanted to make it happen.

Monday, January 9, 2012

She Likes It. She Really Likes It!*

This book -- its patterns range from fabulous to you-can't-be-serious -- has been keeping me company for maybe a year, stacked next to The Knitting Chair. So, with the Christmas clock ticking and finding myself a gift short, it was time to get crackin'. I'd seen the "Buttoned Up" knit in some Baby Alpaca Grande Handpaint, and who was I to quibble? Imitation being the best form of flattery -- or lazy thinking, take your pick. I'll own it -- I did the same, but at least struck out and used college girl pink. What a yummy way to spend a couple of evenings! It's nice, nice yarn, so wonderful in the hands and around the neck, I'll be making one for myself, in the burgundy/brown colors.

Consumer tip: The pattern called for a 10.5 needle, but I found it a bit loose, especially after blocking. Will definitely try a 10 the next time.

Consumer tip redux: If your local shop does not have the book any more, it is available here. But please ask at your shop first.

It looked a little limp and sorry as she unwrapped it, so it was amusing to watch her put on her game face and a robo-smile. But it looks pretty genuine now!

* apologies to Sally Field -- OK, not really
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