As knitting detours go, this one was nearly ideal: one free pattern plus two skeins of minimal expense, in this instance also known as Mini Mochi, (#307 storm clouds -- I was not in a bad mood, honest) equals a lovely diversion. Don't let the example on the website put you off -- it would peel paint. Consider yourself warned.
It was fun to knit, but nearly didn't happen.
It was the classic MO of my inhouse yarn vandal, who simply couldn't leave it alone!

A quick trip back to the shop to snag the last skein (!!) and I was back on track. Being a person of some extra size, I went for broke and did an extra repeat, which added just enough length to the shawl and pretty much took care of that left-over yarn problem:
Perhaps the best part of this was the sawtooth edging. I'd not done it before and it's terrific!

The yarn vandal returned, lurking for an opportunity. Hi Boing!
Knit, blocked, tried on and photographed ...
... And I don't know whether I even like it. Sigh.
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